I published my first book!
My Great-Grandmother Peg in her wedding dress. Mid-1930s.
Evening Coat, Charles James, 1936-1937
How do you feel about
This is a photo of Saige &
Rank the Babysitters Club members from the most selfless to the most selfish?
Abby, please come to the front of the congregation!
My nanna’s wedding in 1968, Abram, UK. She managed a home for people with disabilities & invited them to her wedding.
Young Sharon
What do you miss most about being a kid?
Sweet Valley Twins
Dance Moms Moms in Highschool yearbook photos!!
Super empty during filming
Fountain of Youth costumes
My grandma in 1938. She was stylin’ 🥰
Japanese women, posing for their solo portraits in the 1930s. Last one i think the background is a fabric held by rope.
Maybe a new junior member this week?
Have any of you ever seen any of the Cast Members of Dance Moms mentioned in TV Shows/Movies
Babysitters club earrings!!!!
Fun family outing 1950s
My great-aunt's family, Gabriela Lange
Grandma with her parents 1940s
My great grandmother and her brother posing in front of a 1924 Jewett. Back of photo states the cost was $900.
My brother passed away yesterday unexpectedly (age 57). Here we are with our dad when we were small (Brother is on the Right). He was the best brother!