I have a specific itch that needs scratching
Masturbation guy from before hasn’t been telling us the whole truth.
Baby squid tries using his camouflage for first time
I got my first tattoo and I regret it
How should I fix this? It’s not supposed to look like Bigfoot.
“Don’t utter a word about poland” an iconic dialogue from a malayalam movie
someone got a tattoo of a black dahlia
How Bad Can I Be?
Unsure wich Gta 3 version this is
Getting ready for a demo. Is my first mission storyline interesting or too cringe? Is the tutorial clear? Still polishing, anything I should absolutely change/improve?
PlayStation had a panel at GDC 2025 about Game Preservation.
I'm acting weird when I'm imagining stuff. Anyone else has this?
Don't have many tats but this my favourite so far
My body can no longer heal tattoos
What is your favorite fight scene in the films?
🎶 Through the eeeeedge of night 🎶
Whom do you serve? (Wrong answers only)
Comments say it’s AMAZING!!
Not mine but by my favorite tattoo artist. Also by far my fav LOTR themed tattoo
A "not-highly-impressive-but-very-personal" CRT set up
Was there anything that could have been done to save Kurt Cobain's life?
Poland to withdraw from Anti-mine convention to secure its borders from Russian Invasion
Never played Gothic, i have the option of Switch version/s or wait for Playstation Gothic 1 remake?
Am I the only one just sometimes stareing at my steam library and don‘t know what to play?😆😅
DIY-ing a palette-based shader in Shader Graph—need help!