FP Notebook
Jumping Back Into Power Rangers
What is the hardest interrogation sequence in the game?
What’s your “One of a kind” game and why?
Whats your unpopular opinion.
[17] to [24] !
who do I look like?
What fandom (music, video games, TV, movies) has the most supportive fans?
First Time Player
Widest gap for how much you liked a movie compared to it’s sequel
Worst Attempt At Humor From Your Doctor
Curiosity got the best of me
Worst Place to Experience An Orgasm
SFAH: Places besides Cheers where everybody knows your name
SFAH: Displays of the "Whose Line Is It Anyway" museum
Don't do that, that's gay
Worst Sign Off At The End of A News Broadcast
Worst Responses To Your Significant Other Telling You They Will Become A Nudist
22M, have a cs license and a job but dk what to do next, no gf cause she doesn’t like me back, already got bullied in my teens, lets see what you can bring to the table
SFAH: Things You Can Say About Pussy And Weed
SFAH: Things You Never Want To Hear From Your Barber
Awkward Things To Say To God That Will Get You Denied Entry
Bad Hobbies To Take Up After Your Health Insurance Got Cancelled
SFAH: Bad times to say: "Those are rookie numbers."