Thankfully I know to make myself ugly
How criminals are treated [victimized] this is why I don't report (not to discourage anyone). For context, tge juge gave him 6 months(for SA) and these people complain it's too much.
It's been taken down?
Doctors? Doing their job!???
Things american politicians say
What’s something you did as a kid that you thought was normal, but later found out wasn’t?
What's something you do for a specific reason that makes people think you're weird?
What is a "basic life skill" that everyone should know, but so many people don’t?
About a women getting beaten
What did you think would never happen to you, until it did?
Nooooooooooo trans conversion therapy was the worst thing to have happened in my life(and i've been ser on fire by a family member)!! I worked so hard to have it revoked, never succeeded in my country T-T please say no to torture
What are you craving so bad today?
Joan Trumpauer Mulholland was arrested for protesting in 1961. She was tested for mental illness because law enforcement couldn’t think why a white woman would want civil rights.
Woman spends weeks in jail, loses her job, and misses her kids' birthdays, after police mistook SpaghettiO sauce on a spoon in her car for meth
"sent to a psychologist for wearing a skirt".. good to see things haven't changed and I get sent to conversion therapy for NEEDING breast reduction
I can tell you with firsthand testimony that no one will save you or bat an eye if your parent manhandle you slap you or abuse you
Est-ce que les femmes aiment leurs poitrines ?
What do you consider to be the greatest injustice in the world today and what do you think can be done to solve it?
You are sitting on your sofa, reading a book. You feel something brush the back of your neck. In your country, what is the worst thing that could be?
Such selection; pig times 9
My window broke spontaneously
Whats something you have come to terms with?