Mr. Sus Moth Bond10 (never realized his bond ce is the name of a french classical music piece lol)
Which Danmachi characters would demolish adventurers roughly in their same league using only hand-to-hand?
How you all doing with 90++ on this event?
Lancers love me; it's like I can't get any other gold servants besides lancers. On the Taigong Wang banner too :(
everyone with march 14th decision stacks, assemble
Day 32: an average Alter Ego in game
Friend sent me this video- How is this damage possible?
Drop Rate CEs
Who has the goofiest animations in your opinion?
Is there any reason to upgrade/use 2 or 3 star characters?
Help find anime pls 😭
Any anime/series (could be manga or light novels) like Danmachi?
bro couldn't care less
Percival is the goat. Despite have a pretty new account with like 2 supports, Oberon and Xu Fu, he can still loop and farm this event quest on neutral (yes it's low level but still). First and favorite arts looper
Just fought ORT and let's just say... It's pretty underwhelming
Character & illustrator highlights
Don't expect Season 6 anytime soon.
pls add me!
I just whaled for Arjuna Alter and only got two copies
Why do some servants randomly get 2x bond in Pseudo singularities? No teapots or anything (the ones that get double bond also change; Oberon got double in Shinjuku, and now Altera and Lakshmi Bai get double in Shimousa, etc.)
What to do in the game?
Assist attributes
About to start losbelt 5. recommendations to level up?
Ok I need help in my team building or what servants to focus.
We did it boys We Got SABER!!!!