Is there any way to know which set the card is from?
Anyone open a booster box and not get any enchanteds?
Christopher Robin is here!
30 Enchanteds in 20 booster boxes
Daughter’s First 3 Packs of Restock
Am I missing something? Why is this pre-order price so high?
So happy to get to add these to the collection
I Goofed
LGS League - No Boosters
Was i scammed?
First Edition Sealed Product Value Trends in TCG
When you get tired of the scarcity of product and just print a million proxies…
Hidden Mickey
I think this belongs here
Pre order chapter 2 is selling out already.
Ravensburg had to have low inventory
Biggest pull so far!
How to preorder?
Literally me, when seeing the new Belle will discard my hand if try to stop her from questing for 3 every turn
This is the only card I care about now
Disney100 Collector's Edition announced
Reasons For Paying $400 For A Booster Box?
Dumb question for those who bought cards in Canada
Ruby/Amythyst goodness
Of course they should mark reprints as 2nd edition.