Social isolation is destroying my life, how can i fix it?
The living island of Arboretum - WHALEFALL 2131
Map of North America 20,000 years ago during the peak of the last ice age
Is there a modern world map but the size is gdp?
[SPOILERS] I don't buy the "Kier Eagan" theories
Severance Crew Easter Egg
Per capita income in the provinces of the Roman empire in 14AD
Wrong Time Zone: Counties in red have longitudes that would place them west of the time zone line, but are attached to the time zone to the east. The result is daylight saving time in the winter with sunrise and sunset pushed back one hour.
Gay bros that got jacked, how did you do it?
Cascadia - The Tomorrow State
[Space Age] Does anybody toggle peaceful mode before going to another planet?
P!518: A Plutonian Halloween Special [OVRHVN]
WHALE_FALL or: Of Gods, Machines and Proletarians - 2131, 30 years into the new eon
Colonial population density in the U.S. and Canada in 1847
Decline of the Pennsylvanian State During the Dark Ages
How would timekeeping work once we colonize other planets?
ELI5: Why does the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand more successful than other former European colonies (India, Latin America, Africa, etc) What did they do different?
How would history be different if the Americas were backwards?
ELI5 If you imagine yourself at the center of the earth your are floating since the pull is the same around you. But let us say you could turn up the gravity as much as you want. Why aren't you pulled apart? The net forces are zero, sure. But wouldn't the body experience tension?
Mayan astronomy was famously quite advanced. What do we know about their cosmology as it related to the the moon and planets?
A New and Familiar World: Northern America in the Berkeleyverse
Religions of American Mars, 2270
A.I in Sci-fi is kinda op if you think about it. Worse, in any military Sci-fi with human soldiers, you have to answer the question: why aren't they using robots?
Some Curseforge accounts might be compromised/hacked, and are uploading malicious files
ELI5: Why do animals not have Down syndrome, while humans do? Is there any reason for this?