Absolute peak, but what do we call him?
Question for all (sorry if using wrong tag)
Your month = your martial arts teacher
What is the first video game that comes to mind when you see this?
They really had a funeral for a fucking pig and not an actual person that died the same fucking week
Don't you love it when they drop the title
By-- debility2x
Haha “Balll”
After careful deliberation, I have decided to return to Dragon Ball Legends immediately
Wait this guy actually really good??
I really hope JettSquad doesn't turn into another CoryXKenshin fanbase type thing.
Tessa paddle
My current team
Kid unlocking ultra Instinct
Lock These Four In A Room. Whose Talking First?
My current set up rn
Supreme Kai of Time (@fenyo_n)
How cooked are you?
What should I get from this?
What is y’all’s favorite tag to use, no matter the meta
Zero Suit Yoko (ray_dango)
Vernation sighting
Get a load of this guy
Yoko Akira style by Ura_Dora
I don't think bro got the memo