The Mechs have an invisible fuel gauge, Arrowhead?
Incineration Corps actually have some meat.
The Reprimand and the Crisper are under appreciate parts of the arsenal
Please add something substantive
Diving against the Predators is a choice you don't get to be upset at Arrowhead for making.
State of the game. (Rant)
It's been a month. What are the general thoughts on the Servants of Freedom?
In my opinion..
Dropships are probably the Bots biggest weakness.
HD2's Anniversary was rather forgettable.
Surveys are incredibly spartan, and really need more lines of questions with either simple answers, and/or text boxes for us to answer.
Sub factions need something actually different.
Support Weapon Idea
We are tired of bad warbond armor passives, it is time to give armors 2 passives again
What do you guys think about W.A.S.P. Launcher?
Cross-Platform Compatibility is probably the most useless upgrade among the T5 upgrades.
Ultimatum and it's usefulness on D7 to D10.
Adjudicator is so close to being great
The entire story line for Meridia is honestly weird.
When everyone's complaining...
Dynamic Missions.
Why is reversing the sequence of missions suddenly a good thing? (Criticism.)
My Gloom Experience So Far
Another ask for a Shooting Range. No. It's a QoL.
Lady Liberty Prime.