new to makeup
What is your go-to first word in Wordle?
First time in full makeup
One year growth
Swollen eyelid after eyelash pulling
I hate when people do this!
Trying to get a comment from every county and perish in the US
Has anyone beaten trich?
My family cannot agree on a name for this little guy!! Any ideas welcomed
Thought I found someone to nerd out with. I was wrong.
Merry Christmas lil sis!
Anyone else’s fingers look like this from pulling?
Tell me the country/state you live in
Text between me (34m) and my fiancé (28f) today. JUST TELL ME THE STORY! Lol.
White Americans: How much indigenous DNA did you score?
Hi I'm new here
Day 1 of trying to get someone from every country's subdivisons to comment
I’ve never seen someone else with the dotted lines over the US
States Battle Royale (Day 37)
Getting a comment from as many American cities as possible!
Petition to Sign
Results came back; pics of family and me on slides 2+3
What's something you didn't realize was optional?