Ordered this early December. Took so long I had to cancel and reorder from a different place a few weeks ago. Finally showed up... Two days after the ban announcement.
Cooked ban list
It'll be okay bros
March Ban List
I finally finish one of my Fanmade Leaders
Ban Thread for 03/16
A warning about inked gaming.
Favourite Card where Base > Art?
got some OP cards in a tin full of Pokémon bulk.
Worst Locals Story???
How long did it take you to win your first locals
Best place to order a custom playmat?
Bring a character from One Piece that looks similar to a real person (it does not matter if the resemblance is intended or not)
Game Testing
2 cost Teach in Doflamingo
Doffy deck ( :
Easy to play decks for locals? New player
Guys what do y’all think of this leader I made?
OP10 Manga LAW
Introducing 5 to Life: A Unique Deck & Card Database for OPTCG Fans
Thoughts on starter decks 17-20?
Official Sleeves Wave 9
Not sure how to play Shachi & Penguin to get its effect.
Why is this game SO GOOD?