What would be a ft. You would have loved with DOOM
I need this
Is there way to reset the resetter?
Nice way to drive a bike in a highway
Airfoil: true definition of downed force
You're welcome
So it begins.
I have no words
Sips Whiskey
To “redo” your fireplace
I love $MSTU
Let’s get back to this
Cancelled my G80 M3 order and took home this 6 speed CT5-V Blackwing. Please make me regret it
real problem with holding bitcoin
to jump
What's your favourite Kendrick moment of 2024?
Anyone check in on our genius friends on life support?
I just got backed into twice in a a parking lot. Dash cam for the win
Lost 125k in a day shorting BTC
My turn
A cooler stick has never been found.
Jump scare 🫨
Y’all gotta be faster