A slideshow of sandwiches my girlfriend has made me
What do you think about the art?
George Lucas’ Scrapped Star Wars Show 'Star Wars Underworld' Would’ve Cost Billions of Dollars (Producer Rick McCallum actually tried to budget out what the show could cost and the lowest he ever got it to was $40 million per episode)
Why INTPs Are Drawn to Black-and-White Thinkers
My First Reddit Post – How I Stumbled Into a Passive Income Hustle That Actually Works
For people who have the freedom to work whenever they want, what do you do?
Wire frame approval?
M/32/5’10”[240>215=25lbs] (3 months) 15 lbs away from my goal weight
This is getting out of hand…
How would you improve this illustration?
What’s a passive income opportunity that people are sleeping on?
How do you eat your fancy cheeses when you cut bread and crackers out of your diet?
Powerful drug
Park Rangers Fired
Old Style Southside
Old Style On Tap
M/25/5’9” [264lbs to 196lbs] (1 year) - jobs not finished!
Here's a logo design i made recently.
I’d like to announce that I have left my full time job and am officially full time on CodeStitch. Thanks to everyone that supported us and allowed me to be able to make this career move and focus on this start up full time.
What animal walks with its left and right legs directly in front of each other?
Any hustles that’s earned you 1.5k+ per month
M/25/6’5” [283 to 209] (10 months) body recomposition update
What is this? Found him in my bathroom. Kauai, Hawaii.
How much should I charge for these?
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