Gentle wake up AUDIO alarm
The Age of Discovery
A toxic addiction
As a dva player what should I do once the entire enemy team has counterpicked me?
Song-by-Song Review of Candy Cigarettes
Song-By-Song Analysis of Disposable Everything
What do you use as secondary runes?
spear of shojin making me
Well clearly a skill issue :/
How do you deal with the knowledge of how screwed everything is?
Is my macro bad or it's my teammates' ? //this is how silvers and glods react to baron call
So I just finished this amazing series but I have one question...
About Quincy
Why Pocketfrogs?
Camouflage release and discussion thread
TIL almost every gamer has experienced ''Game Transfer phenomena'' which lead to sensorial, behavioral, cognitive changes related to video games (E.g seeing health bars above people's head).
How do we know multiverses don’t exist? If we still don’t know when are universe ends how do we know we aren’t just one universe in a group of other universes?
Actual Photo of SCP 131
Coffin vs. Sarcophagus meme upgraded
Masochist mode please help
This is my first time playing Terraria, so wish me luck on my journey. Do you guys have any tips for me?
You haven't seen but a glimpse of My power, Jonathan. Soon your puny world will be Mine.
I'm 16 and pretty bad at drawing, but felt like making an oc
Abandoning Faith for Reason