What's the first thing that came to your mind when you saw my work?
I made a Chrome Extension that could 2x Your Grades
Which button?
Dear teens of r/TeenagersButBetter, what is your dream car?
S1 IAL Edexcel Jan 2025
S1/ stats 1
How do you say water
What’s your favorite A Level subject? Or the one you find the most tolerable
What’s an A-Level you took and instantly regretted?
My friend is getting a cat, he wants me to name it. Top name here is gonna be his name.
i made the logo look "not interesting"
Its that time of the year again 😶🌫️
Is my ecosystem complete?
Don’t tell me I’m the only one with 35 thing or whatever s this month
Write your name and I will rate it from 1 to 10
It takes me an hour to watch 60 minutes, is that normal?
JAN 2025 Q P
The year concludes.
My turn!
Advice needed guys.
Tierlist for the hardest to easiest alevel subjections based on my experience and observations. Feel free to disagree. Do let me know which 3 alevels are the easiest subjects
If the World Ended, It Would Look Like This (Abandoned Hospital)
someone explain why i’m getting roasted by this bird