What profession would you never date?
If you could take a pill that lets you escape to a perfect, personalized alternate reality, would you take it and why?
How Many Punches to KO Raptor?
What’s a company secret you can now share because you no longer work there?
Everyday I’m hoping someone will save me, but I’m the only person that can.
I stole a couple thousand from someone else's workplace
Which celebrity death during your lifetime that hit you the hardest?
Barrie lunch spot
What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
Looking for chill games
People from small towns "where everybody knows everybody": What did someone do that was so embarrassing they had to move away?
Ontario works case worker
This is how Europe sees the United States
What is one thing you think everyone should know?
Do I report the 200$ check from rebate?
What did everyone do before cell phones?
What red flags would make you immediately break up / divorce someone?
What book, movie, film, or video game had the best ending?
Can playing as Mage in Skyrim on PC be better than playing on console?
What is the best game you have played ever?
What’s something everyone should try at least once in their life?
What is a movie that is soooo much better when you go in completely blind?
What is the best cartoon ever made?