Athens, or ancient immitation?
Question about smoothed edges on new pickup. Possible ex jewelry? More info in comments.
Weird patina… has this been cleaned strangely?
Is this a real Roman sestertius?
Bought my first Typewriter just got the ink, here’s the first thing I typed :) (I also have a genuine question)
Best way to remove this artificial rainbow toning?
What are the little bead pieces called, and how do I replace them?
This Otho aureus sold this morning for €16k ($22k total). Last 3 years of sales on ACSearch shows them going for $38-$50k. What am I missing? Could I have flipped it and pocketed $10-$20k by sending it to CNG?
Found a Script Olympia SM3 on FB for $150 + shipping. Hop on it or wait?
Lovely new cyzicus probus added to the collection.
Leu bidding platform
Hermes 3000 screw question
Ancient Coins From Father
Follow-up to my “cleaning scratches” post
Is this online seller legit?
How far would you be willing to drive to get a typewriter?
Got this corona today for £45. Needs a new ribbon but overall good condition:3
What are these striations?
First time buying ancient coins
My Dream Machine: Groma Kolibri (Greek Keyboard) – A 4-Year Search Finally Ends!
Finally, My Alexander the Great and the Diadochi Tet Set is Completed. I Decided I needed These Nine Types About Three Years Ago and Finally Received the Last One Today.
Opinions on stickers?
Athena owl Tetradrachm value?
Any idea why the ribbon just bundles up in its cup instead of getting pulled?
What are top en typewriters that are no so expensive?