There's gay/les in the Imperium? Nice
New "it's a documentary" just dropped
Imagine how different culture would be if the Falcons had picked this ball off. All the 28-3 memes we’d be missing out on.
Conquest VS Nappa | Debate Chart | (Invincible VS Dragon Ball Z)
All of it, but "since the 60's" got me
Get a load of this Christofascist train wreck 🤦♂️
Does anybody possibly know what game this is from??? Using for an edit
Found this political meme and don’t know what it means
"GEN Z would never understand" 💔🥀
Historical Movie Alignment Chart
What we thinking?
Why are we catching strays these days
It's Not Funny Anymore, Try Different Jokes
Debater dies inside when genius claims government agencies pay taxes…
What year do you think the 2010s bashing will stop?
You wake up as Loid , what is the first thing you are doing ?
I mean templars are templars… right? XD
I mean templars are templars… right?
This is you guys
Black Library Book of the Year – The results are in
Please recommend some underrated/correctly rated anime to watch. Tier list doesn't contain all the anime I have watched.
i'll just leave this here
Lets build the all time NFCS line up! Day #1: QB (most upvoted comment will win)
Atlanta Fed projects negative GDP growth for quarter 1
If your team moved away, would you stay a fan?
This is unbearable
my nfc south standings predictions for next year