Element Interpretation
What 90s rapper could fit on Yeezus?
What are y'all's favorite Quadeca inside jokes?
What are yalls most streamed songs?
Fav quad songs excluding haunt you and scrapyard?
what do you think if quadeca as a rapper.
AJR listener here
is graydon chewing on his lean cup?
10 highest quality rappers of the 2020s so far excluding the big 3
Do you guys like white girl music?
This go hard?
Will your first love always be your favourite??
in your personal opinion whos the greatest rapper of all time
Back up to earth appreciation
[TOMT][YouTube video]Ok so I’m looking for a video that I think was fairly popular. It’s like a really well directed video by teenagers
What would be your dream collab you would put Quadeca with ?
guess my age, sexuality, race, gender by my top 15 albums
What's your favorite album of 2024?
What’s your favorite concept album(s)?
How do you like this band
Everyone is doing this so
Judge me based off of my music taste
Who here has the best/worst taste?
If you could have one super left field feature on the album what would it be
World Champion skater Ilia Malinin rocked an NF hoodie during a benefit skate today in D.C.