Protest 4/5
RMP Hearing
Boycott Villaggio SLC
Need opinions on if a lawyer is worth it.
Absolutely crazy article about a SLC man who infiltrated the Oath Keepers
ICE Protest Happening Now
Did anyone else see this on the free way this morning (2/21) (sorry for photo quality. It says “deport them all support ice raids”)
Our Representatives Could Not Care Less
Aww snowflake Phil Lyman is offended by the whale. Wants Elon to take care of it. 🙄🙄
Immigration Office Security Guard Warning
Should I fight this parking ticket?
I fear getting kicked out from my Apartment.
Found it
Homeless woman asleep in entry way… any homeless resource options before calling police?
What's going on downtown?
What does this mean?
Any interest in a small hunt(for like 100 dollars?)