I traded ocean set for deathshard, candy and red luger. W/F/L
Trading iceblaster and 105 balloon guns
I traded tailslide for 80 ballons and 3 candies, was that good lol
Good to know this is so much of an issue
I traded icep, icewing and red luger for harv and palms gun. W/F/L?
Who else thinks that the gifting trophy will be gold, bronze, silver and blue bauble?
Giving my inventory a way it's full of Godlies just type below or whatever
Fav Items/Sets? Ill go first
Trading icepiercer, red luger and pixel
Some trades i did today :)
Im so f##king done with max level players.
What is yalls worst thing that has ever happened to you in mm2? This is mine
Trading heat for jinglegun and santa's spirit or jinglegun and icewing
I got 3 ppl teaming in my server
Some trades i did today
Trading my inv! LF OFFERS!!! (Mostly looking for evergreen)
I traded harv and candleflame for evergreen WFL?
What should i do with my 10k coins?
Will harvester ever have 2k+ value?
Trading my traveller's gun!
Trading mm2 stuff (mainly looking for bat, harvester, corrupt set, or MAINLY LOOKING FOR THE ONE AND ONLY TRAVELER AXE!
Watch out for this scam
any offers?