My capo fell on my guitar neck today. I know it’s minor, but now do you repair a dent in the fretboard?
Just by taking a quick glance, does it look like I need a truss rod adjustment?
Ground Loop EHX Howitzer 15W with FM3
Picking hand position and grip
Has anyone had any experiences with Headrush FRFR Go?
Opinions on a Tele Deluxe vs a Les Paul Studio
The base of my index knuckle hurts when picking
Is this noise from a power amp connected to an FM3 normal?
Looking for a Poweramp for Home Use with a Fractal FM3
Need studio monitor recommendations to pair with FM3
PPC 112 V30 or Thiele 112 C90?
What are some of the best Epiphones?
Can Helix Native sound as good as Fractal with the same IRs?
Can anyone tell me more about this guitar?
Am I in the right ballpark for pickup height?
What’s a game that has really pulled you back into gaming?
I’m gonna get one amp , there is no problem with price but this will be my only one. Which one should I pick ?
How should a running shoe fit?
Any long term experiences with Tuki covers? Versus Studio Slips
Looking for a Hard Case for Mark V 25 Head
Would a 1X12’’ Thiele be a big upgrade from a Carvin V112E?
Do I need a guitar setup after blocking my tremolo and changing strings from 9s to 10s?
Seymour Duncan Powerstage. Does it make a good clean amp as well?