How many clicks does it take to get to the center of a Heavy's skull?
who are these guys in the statue
who best flare gun or scorch shot
Monsters from previous games you miss being able to fight?
Jeremy has been chosen! Which character in Emesis Blue is Neutral Good?
Best *band* starting with letter G?
First character !! Hows she look ? 😗
Post your controversial hot take of the day
Tell me your favorite class, without saying it. I'll go first
What is the small thing that you always do with your class?
Kennt noch irgendjemand das Spiel "NoseQuest" ?
Was ist eurer Meinung nach die überbewertetste Spielereihe?
Die Buben als Team Fortress 2 Mercs
What is this country? Wrong answers only
Jetzt wird es wild
Fisch mit Sushi Qualität kaufen
Favorite lines? I’ll start:
Thoughts on my winter outfit?
Was ist euer Lieblings Movie-Tie-In Game?
What does my fridge say about me?
32m. From New delhi, India. Going through a hard time. Make it worse. Roast me.
Pyros Feature in Comic 7