Is Golf Ball an Oximoron?
Does jnj write the episodes with the eliminated contestants and then once they get the voting results remove the contestant from the episode?
Purple face probably getting new voice
This template is basically the definition of TPOT 15!
Out of curiosity, should Gelatin and Firey even be considered as FreeSmarters (as alternates or something), similar to how Needle was considered one in BFDIA 12-18?
I think that these two joins kinda show that JnJ values certain characters that can actually add to the plot over others, which I find honestly way better than Nonexisty or just Liy joining
Let me get this straight
Did y’all ever notice this? In tpot 15
I frequently think about that moment where Tree pulled the "LOOK OVER THERE" trick on Black Hole and how it actually worked.
If Fries wins BFDIA, and Fanny wins TPOT, all BFDI winners will have "F" as their first initial
Did you notice how the second W.O.A.H. Bunch (Water's Open Aperture Hater Bunch) lasted almost a year? And Pin and Coiny had a much more central role than in the first W.O.A.H. Bunch?
If the JNJ team really wants to go back to the BFDIA style for Season 6, how are they gonna work around this?
I like her BFB 1 personality, but still, it will be kind of sad lol
Firey built his Speaker Box "last night" at BFDI 22, which released on October 1st…So does that mean FrSB birthday is September 30th?[Or I into nothing?]
What happened to Firey Speaker Box between BFDIA 8 and BFB 8?
Tier list based on how i'd do in a fight against every contestant (zero judgement please)
Is this canon? im pretty sure its not (context in body text)
So that’s why Book is UFE all these times! She was meant to lose.
How I think BFDIA 19 cake at stake will go
The Winners
Chronological order
Which death was more brutal?
Ok guys hear me out
What if we pretend yellow face got eliminated in tpot 13 and confuse the fuck out of everybody!!