How does Timeless Toni Storm evolve as a character without being champion?
Brynn’s podcast was really good
Did my passive save me from fizz bc idk how I didn’t die before landing that bind this game was a huge comeback btw
Cannot believe I just got this for free
What characters from HOK will be playable in World?
What characters from the game will be playable in world?
How does Erin ult work?
Just started this game
If I want to make a cinnamon roll Frappuccino
I just started Zoloft about 4 to 5 days ago from Prozac and pescatarian before that
A champion i am too afraid to learn in league but will definitely play in this game if she becomes playable.
Riot is making a new league of legend live action film!!!!
Zoloft side effect
Mayhem Album Release Discussion Board
Why has my gameplay digressed so much I went from getting to S grades in a row to going 1/9
Beyond the gates is my first soap opera and I’m hooked!
Honeymounz saying TRPWS is scrapped
Imagine he sends you this selfie. What do you send him after?
I want him to destroy my hole while I moan and scream his name
Can we at least all agree that absolutely NO ONE owes TJ for this mess?
Still I rise✨✨
Keebler cookie question
I need it like
Does the cinnamon dolce and white mocha syrups go good together?