This is an unedited snippet from the new trailer... (sound on)
Is this their interpretation of the BFV fortification mechanic ?
[COD] Name your favorite Call of Duty game
I killed a pilot with a knife 😭
Battlefield needs to modernize it's voice chat.
I want fortifications to return in BF6
We all agree this shouldn’t come back, right?
What's your opinion on limited ammo for vehicles?
I suck at Jets, but I'm proud of this
The ones in red, how can I...
Do you want the assault to return with medical functions?
Got called out in chat for not helping the team. This is what I was doing (Frontlines).
Best anti-tank mining spots?
What do you think of the mechanics of dragging a teammate to another position ?
HK G3 is finally back in battlefield
Leak: Vehicle supply station from BFV is back bois
Anyone noticed the supression?
Finally got the Pro 🙌
A list of new additions and changes seen in the Labs gameplay
5 minutes gameplay, thoughts?
Let your voice be heard!
Battlefield Labs Gunplay & Movement Philosophy: Optimizing for 60hz Tick Rate, Crouch Sprint, Combat Dive and Landing Roll Confirmed