Regulation G
temp6t wins his SPL Debut, moving to 1-0 in Smogon's most elite tournament!
‘Angry Noob crys salty tears’ ahh team 😭😭😭
Learn this secret Method NOW!
What if Wugtrio's lower body was actually Nathaniel Hawthorne?
Is this a good deal?
The Commas on Landorus-T are changed into Periods. How does the meta change?
Top 98 peak on Random Battles in these last few months, AMA. Been a casual player for 2 years, and in the last year after breaching 1500 elo I started playing with a little more concentration and thought, got it after a few hundred games
Who should I add to my team? (VGC25 Reg G)
Cool, thanks rocket league I didn't need those items I earned over 600+ hours of gameplay
First submission to stinkpost sunday, presenting Uxie Helm
They said it was impossible they were wrong
I got a suggestion to do Necrozma next, although I already had this team for the future, so i'm posting two today! Sandy Shocks! Making shitmons work (part 2) ANy suggestions?
Don't Insult My Bump
How do I build a team around Gholdengo?
Will New Save delete my old progress?
S/V OU Doubles team, is this good? I've been having tons of success but I'm pretty new to this so yeah any feed back is appreciated.
The Wolf doth protest too much
Fastest double reset ground pinch?
Perish Song counter passes via Baton Pass
ANY suggestion to improve my team?
Average rocket league chat experience:
What's a Prinplup doing at Gdansk, on Day 2 no less?