Anyone any experience with the Extended driving test
The Gardai are not your friends.
Drug driving ban looming??
How expensive is it to move to Dublin and study at trinity?
AITA for insisting my mattress back after my maternal aunt swapped it without asking?
WIBTA For Moving Out Despite My Roommate Being Pregnant?
AITA for wanting my mattress back after my maternal aunt swapped it without asking?
Does anyone know where I can get a drugwipe that the guards use, or even one that English police use because cannabis thresholds are the same?
I’ve been swishing 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with mouthwash before driving late at night and on weekends etc.
Anywhere in ni do hair transplants?
Are gardai allowed to use junction 20 northbound of the N1 to patrol carrickcarnan?
Are gardai allowed to use junction 20 northbound of the N1 to visit carrickcarnan?
What has happened to our hotel prices?
What are we officially meant to do with the “kief” in the bottom compartment of the grinder?
What are some examples of unusual things you wouldn’t expect to be segregated from back in the troubles?
Got Pulled over by police officer in weird uniform, guy was sound
What’s something that you were a bit “snobby” about but you realised you were wrong?
Any good British/Irish food stores?
The first consultation available with cantourage isn’t for 4 weeks, is this normal?
Anyone see a checkpoint over the bank holiday so far
Lads beware the oul driving today
Smoking in Belfast