Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile – what is the old Irish saying being used to describe Donald Trump and Conor McGregor?
How did the big crime organisations or gangs vote in the Presidential elections, or in history?
What's a good EU origin cycle touring planning and navigating app?
Vehicles damaged at Belfast Tesla dealership
What do you say to Irish people if you don't understand what they are saying?
What personality trait that has become super common do you despise the most?
FAANG big Tech workers - how powerful and detailed are your profiles of us users?
does it make sense to tour with an old aluminium bike?
Russian economy in freefall as mortgage costs triple and mass layoffs cripple major firms
Dictator Going to Dictator
NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK AnYmOrE
Kitten's reaction to seeing birds for the first time..
I have a question for all of you about bicycle touring, slow travel, and flying.
Hippy community in Aberdeen?
Cancel your Amazon Prime Membership right now
Trump Ignores Court Order & Deports Venezuelans to El Salvador
Suspension seatpost or stem?
Stiff hiking shoes for old school clip pedals/toe cages on a bike and hike tour?
Anyone got any examples of Death, skulls, skeletons from prehistoric art?
Weekly History Questions Thread.
Super Moronic Monday - Your Weekly Tuesday Stupid Questions Thread
How much better can life get?
What's an underrated pizza topping?
How do Tesla cars compare to competitor EU cars?
What’s a conspiracy theory you’ve heard that seems way more believable the more you look into it?