I know grey anodizing is tricky but wow.
An urban chocolate chip 48 I recently did
Grey cerakote with a lasered topo pattern I did recently, prior to reassembly
Return of the 10
What Is One Piece Of Advice You'd Give To Someone Getting Started With Cerakote?
Deep space
Last month someone posted about how they modified 30rd FAL mags, I tracked some down and did a couple for myself
M81 and R8K pair nicely
Favorite armour piece or set?
Advice on practice material
Do you think Shadow of the Erdtree is the best DLC of all time?
DNC is my favorite type of plaid
M84 ogg
Consumer Question
Returned to Bf1 and Bf5; 5 feels better??
What boss did you spend The most time on during your first playthrough