Who else is running against Dale Strong? (Assembling a team)
The partial episode or the full one? Such choice!
If you ever think Vincent is just a fat crying Italian fuckup, just remember he lost his virginity before any of us did, is more famous than any of us, and got to have a real conversation with a woman for 30 minutes.
You know what, jail was the best thing to ever happen to Vincent.
One of the sickest things about Vincent that not many mention is that he tried to put his fat useless life in the hands of a 12 year old when he threatened to break a branch if she didn’t respond to him.
Has anyone ever has experience with a company named Open Door? It’s a business that helps people on the spectrum develop how related skills.
What did Vincent hope to gain by telling the detective (only woman he’s ever had a real conversation with) that he got pegged by a guy on his Grandpa’s bed?
Do you ever employ the predator lines to the decoys when talking to your significant other?
I have always been on the fence with Takedown, but this episode made me realize how far Chris Hansen has fallen.
Do you actually believe there exists a guy whose dick was large enough to penetrate Vincent’s fatass and whose ass is small enough to get penetrated by Vincent’s micropenis?
After listening to Vincent Ambrosio’s disgusting chatlog, all I can say is thank god he never entered law enforcement & was caught early on. He’s vile.
It’s a no-joke drug because it made Vincent Ambrosio a fat pedophilic loser who got butt fucked by a guy on his grandpa’s bed.
Why are the takedown predators so forgettable unlike the TCAP and HvP predators? Usually there is mention of the TD predators once their stings air and that’s usually the last of them.
Going to ask out my crush tomorrow what tcap predator chat log quote should I use?
How much fun do you all think Vincent Ambrosio is having in jail?
Vincent Ambrosio’s sperm when they find out they aren’t inside Jenna…
Is Vincent Ambrosio actually bisexual?
Vincent Ambrosio is no longer in the sex offender registry.
Vincent Ambrosio truly changed the world forever
Vincent Ambrosio’s “friends” who are always working finally got time for him on their last bonding together…
Vincent Ambrosio changed the definition of fuckup forever.
Vincent Ambrosio has been sentenced for violating his probation.
Why is it most of the predators busted in Michigan got probation and sometimes brief jail time, while nearly all the ones in Florida went to prison? All the Alabama cases are still pending I think.
If Vincent Ambrosio didn’t have CP on his phone, would he have avoided prison time and just be put on probation?
Does Josh Peck in Mean Creek remind you of Vincent Ambrosio? He looks like Vincent and is portrayed as a fat loser just like him as well.