Skin moisturizer
miracle drug
Rubber bands on 2 strand bad for the hair?
can someone edit this so i’m looking at my girlfriend like she’s looking at me?
Ready to start my accutane journey. It’s been 5yrs of persistent acne and hyperpigmentation and I’m ready for it to be over. Jumpscare incoming ⚠️
Black spots and hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation help during accutane
Pink lips 👄
12 weeks worth of accutane
Does any of these sunscreens leave a white cast?
This photo made me stop and think.
Uneven skin tone and rough skin
Bedroom to living room
Help! Painted whole dining nook too dark when I should’ve stopped at accent wall
Accutane side effects.
Any Suggestions
Dealing with incredibly painful acne while starting my 30-day waiting period is torturous
Is it safe to store accutane in a plastic pill box?
Frequent urination and pooping
accutane really testing my patience
49 days in 🤞🏼
People from the U.K. on very long term low dosage accutane/indefinite accutane… how did you convince your derm? And could you recommend one? After 6 rounds I’m fed up and just want to find someone who’ll let me do this