Kate, the Conservative
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Kate is a good friend
Feeling Kinda Bad For Saxon
Next Episode Discussion Thread: CreepCast/ CreepTV
Each actor title card - what do they mean?
Cast in upcoming seasons The White Lotus
This is totally normal (warning - it's not)
If you are an active member of a fucking snark subreddit, you are not emotionally/mentally fit to be a parent
Camilla & Jamie share their daughter's been diagnosed with autism 💜
CreepCast: Creepypasta Classics: The Rake, Candle Cove, Mr. Widemouth (OFFICIAL DISCUSSION THREAD)
As someone who WAS taken from their family at 14 due to CPS....
Ekin rates Curtis’ performance on Hollyoaks
I have to come out and say it…
Hasan and his community find it “really frustrating” for someone to even mention October 7th, when talking about I/P. As if 1,400 Jews being brutally kidnapped, r*ped, and murdered is completely irrelevant
CreepCast: Azalea’s Cookhouse (OFFICIAL DISCUSSION THREAD)
Murdered for wanting a new life: Who was Rania Alayed?
Joseph Garret
ADHDers - Were you bullied growing up? Were you left out of groups? Were you constantly ridiculed for being "weird" or "random" but could never understand why?
Early Love Island seasons
Samie responds to irrelevant opinions
Next Episode Discussion Thread
CreepCast: My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship (OFFICIAL DISCUSSION THREAD)