Canadian results + picture
Updated Results (Full Filipino)
Brazilian results
Donuts from some Brazilian matches from Southeast Brazil (São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro)
Haitian DNA results
What am I
Tierlist of Asian countries based on my interactions with their respective Asia_irl users
Native American (Diné) from the SW USA. The latest update (slides 1&2) had small changes for Asian and NA ancestry on slide 3.
Got my results! I'm Filipino. Are these results similar to other Filipinos?
Saudi results, from Mecca
Australian/American & Family Photo Tree
Is European ancestry noise?
Middle America
92% Southwest German from Central PA. Family has been in the USA since the 1700s.
My Results
Defying all odds
Eritrean DNA result I found with Italian Colonial DNA
Very even split, thought it was interesting :)
My Cuban results
DNA results
Finally got my region updated after 2 years!
My "Wasian" MDLP K16 Modern + Oracle results. Not sure how accurate it is but it makes sense compared to my Ancestry results
Indigenous taiwanese dna
Palestinian DNA + Photo