There Is No Word for Megathread in the Kremnoan Language - General Question and Discussion Megathread
watch the doug hyper be naught but a decaying sheild
What anime opinion will get you like this?
If its dragon token all over a gain im sueing the Admins
Firstly Darryl, Then Hank
Cipher will save Feixiao in this aoe meta. Topaz was always cope. March 7th was always the truth and is the best 4 star period!
Can we all unanimously decide to erase this from DU
tired, boss
PSA: Just keep playing the game if your teammate makes a mistake.
I’ve been having fun with Mydei. I couldn’t help but make this.
V4 Castorice Changes via HomDGCat
Is E2 Acheron worth it?
Karma is a bitch
am i stupid if i don’t pull Tribbie right now?
Props to the dynamike for giving us the w after the enemy team trolled us by leaving the hotzone at 99%
My 100% no bias, 1000% objective tier list of some anime I've watched
anyone else feels like the new ranked is such a chore? having to play so much ranked in order to deplete all this xp, idk how much you can accumulate
Guys I'm sorry ,I bricked my account 😭😭😭
i have a dream
I'm 10 pulls away from getting E1 Tribbie, should I get her E1 or save the guarantee for Castorice?
Some brawlers can use their Hypercharge after casting their Super
Tribbie, or Not Tribbie? That is Trinnon. - General Question and Discussion Megathread
Dragon user says im fake bounty while being the most unskilled 2.5m i've ever seen