What are some instances of actors doing a complete joke take that ended up getting used in the final film?
What’s one thing your dad said to you that you’ll never forget?
My Father Just Retired – What He Told Me Really Freaked Me Out
Overheard at the diner this morning. No more hugs for son.
10 Years Ago This Picture Caused Arguments All Over The World
What Movie Becomes BETTER and BETTER Every Time You Watch?
So much guilt taking my mother in law to the hospital
Vermont trump fans
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
The out-of-office that sent a message
Tank Tops Are Ok Now?
Movies to watch with my grandma?
He wouldn't stop calling, so I let him know what it's like.
Don't want to split the cost of a membership? That's fine.
Does anyone else have a comfort YouTuber? Mine’s Outdoor Boys
My biggest fear is dying before I retire or shortly thereafter.
What’s the worst thing a coworker got fired for where you work?
Came home with Covid, again.
Who else finds therapeutic value in a powerful storm?
Redditors , what your favorite ice cream?
MIAMI Departing flight 8:30 AM is to risky? Deboarding is 6:30
need odd female protagonist books suggestions!
What book had you up all night reading?
Anyone on Oasis knows why are we still at port?