Thoughts about this guy "GABE"
Distant Voyage: I was stupid so you don’t have to be
Need experts advice
2 days in a row!
Should I swap?
I'm that unlucky or is this normal?
Why does Habby make these unattainable? 35,000 for the demon king spearshield. Really? 😭
Is this normal??
WHAT!? The mole gave me this and its rare i dont know the mole drops hammer 🙈
Don't forget to register for the DK clash!
Why the big drama for shards?
10 Wukong Shards or 40 Nocturn Wing Shards?
Whats yours guess what Im getting tmr? Posting results tmr
What to buy?
Insane Luck on relic
Wow look at these expedition shard rewards
Best way to spend gems
My build for farming mpb counts
Correct attack finally displaying instead of what ever was showing before
F2P 65 lamps and no luck for me
20k mark!
100k/400k club? Am I cool now?
First gold equipment!
What is the optimal choice you buy for this?