28M - Feedback?
Felons are not allowed to own stocks???
Practicing pushing towards the wall so I don’t fall back after each press up.
Finally got to 10 pull ups
Some handstand presses to end the workout
What move goal would you set for me?
Any opinion on my planche form?
How do you guys deal with taking multiple showers a day?
Why Doesn’t Apple Include a Native Smart Alarm Feature on Apple Watch?
Just came into some money I won at the Casino and looking for some advice
The Anagram of Elon Musk
Beauty of balancing
Maltese lean ,5 feet wide.
…is this not what everyone’s looks like?
is it ok to only to calisthenics?
Do you smile when you make eye contact with someone at the gym? Or do you just give a blank stare and look away?
My watch motivates me to work harder
About a 30 second hold
Pike pushup form check, is there anything I can do better?
Who do I look like?
12 muscle ups
Shoulder PR !!
about to be bulking properly for the first time what should I focus on?
Been working out for 5 months but can’t really see any muscle