Given the new posting guidelines (i.e., show yo positions fool), I'll get us started.
Seeing a lot of people say they have 70K shares, 100K shares, etc...
My position and will HODL
What is your average cost?
The Power of Thorough Due Diligence
RVSN DD (Part 3) Nasdaq compliance and potential implications
RVSN DD (part 1)
Definitive RailVision Bullish Investment Thesis — Know the stock
Why $RVSN still has far further to go – Personal PT $7, Upside $15+
RVSN DD: Ya'll are missing the forests for the trees.
MDB: I'm Betting $5,000,000 – Here's Why I See a 40% Upside 🚀
Does this work?
How much do you REALLY tip when you go out to eat/drink?
How much do you guys REALLY tip when you go out to eat?
New Player Advice
posts showing or shadowbanned
Are my posts showing?
Have you ever met a nazeebo with a winrate great than 60% (ranked only)
Heroes with the biggest carry potential in ranked
How common is boosting?
Expectations vs. reality
Biggest Misconceptions in Hots
What should we focus on to break out of Silver as a 5 stack? A video of one loss is linked.
How to consistently take new accounts to Plat (solo SL queue only)
Why is the chill mode (ARAM) more toxic than ranked mode