If you could have a 5 minutes conversation with your Teenage/younger self, What's the first thing you'd say?
What’s a habit/behavior you thought you’d outgrow but didn’t?
Is there anyone out there who is actually ok with their life right now as it is? Why or why not?
What's a trend you hope will disappear in 5 years?
What was ruined for everyone by one person being an idiot?
A truly unique perspective on the world.
Traded for a sugar cube
Very meta post, rare insult within rare insult.
This portrait is giving me serious Saturn Devouring His Son vibes.
Yeah dont put it in dishwasher
This dish is so beige it's asking for a participation trophy.
Munch's Make Believe Band catching strays
Can confirm it does
Apparently sexy is subjective.
The 20 points has me wet in the face.
Small Victorian child
More like bus rides with disaster!
POV: Doom is coming to take over the multiverse but you gotta make a quick TT
Michael Chiklis will always be my favorite Ben Grimm/The Thing.
Tobey Maguire's reaction?😂
What would you guys say The Avengers biggest weakness is?
Since we're on the topic of General Ross do you like Harrison Ford in the role after BNW?
Found it odd in Brave New World, do you notice how no one actually addresses the fact that Red Hulk is a “Hulk”?
A new perspective or more of the same?
“Prep” vs “wipe”