O que é "literatura estilo anime"? Isso é uma dúvida.
Nunca terminei um jogo de Pokémon tão rápido, sem exp share ainda, foi complicado kkk
Pokemon virou um hobbie caro…ou sempre foi?
I've just realised It has no more sense to spend real Money in this game (unless you spend thousands)
Me perdoem, fraquejei, vendi minha alma ao Celebi
Starting a new DLC team
I waited for 18 minutes and didn’t concede, but the game didn’t penalize my opponent at all. After I quit, it still counted as a loss. So unfair
Após 270 horas de jogo, este evento foi provavelmente o meu último desta geração. Que venha LegendsZ-A!
After 270 hours of gameplay, this event was probably my last for this generation. I can’t wait for what’s next!
New Album 😁
Is there rlly any need for this ?
Are we seeing the end-game for solo players?
Repost Minus What Got Me Banned.... Fenway Ruined it for Me
Do you have MS but it does not effect your quality of life?
I feel like this sub is turning into a Lana snark sub (pls be kind towards Lana)
Blue jeans video has an alligator in it?
Fishtail Analysis - New Meaning?!
[Megathread] Nintendo Lawsuit
Why does my wife seek my involvement in every minor task?
Lana Del Rey with new boyfriend, Jeremy Dufrene, in London.
Who else do you listen to from the Americana genre
Songs that could be turned into movies?
Fontaines D.C.’s new song “In the Modern World” is inspired by Lana, has Lana vibes. It’s a masterpiece.
Nielsen twins win Bronze!
Wait For Life?