Thanks again to our Japanese 'affiliate' for the plug!
Daily Calca Art Post #18
Sweet Potato Girl Calca Bessarez Daily Potato Fact: Friendship and Positivity are as important as Hard work! So go out and Make friends Dear Potato!
Wounds (Art by Dingotoad)
Calca Bessarez - Sweet Potato Girl - with 200 members celebration :3
Thank you to all 200+ of you!
Best end-game LS Artian element?
3D Model Of Calca
Is Sebas 'Lawful Good' or 'Chaotic Good'?
What would some of the npcs and new world peoples alignments be?
Hear me out
What could have been...
Daily Calca Art Post #17
Sweet Potato Girl Calca Bessarez Daily Potato Facts from Yesterday and Today!
Least sympathetic victim
I finally need to ask, is Overlord: The Holy Kingdom an objectively boring film? (A critical and spoiler review after seeing it 3 times)
Daily Calca Art Post #16
Based scout
[Mass for the Dead] Miasma Clementine: Saint of the Apocalypse
@kuroshira_whale's continuing adventures of Calca, The Ninja!
Sweet Potato Girl Calca Bessarez Photos Graved on Stone
Jircniv has luck only second to Ainz