golem's uppercut and ceiling shake still get me off guard soooo..
How long do I wait until Light Hook recharges? (And is it different timing if I die or pull out)
What's yall fav flower boy song?
“Yeah Tyler my goat”
Can’t belive I m saying this but I made it
Guys, do we really think what after 6 years the game is alright?
If you could have an oath, which would you choose?
Type a Tyler song with your eyes closed in the comments
Type an TW song with your eyes closed in the comments
random bs :3
Why is this song so hated
Current progression meta lvl 20 in 30 mins
Is it worth it.
Best way to get knowledge(or moonseyes)
Drip or Drown
Does soulbreaker grip ardour scream work for mobs
Update on the lung cancer post.
Was I mean? - lung cancer update
About making u/brickthemonkey playing the game. Step 2
Chat i got lung cancer should I ask for silksong for my make a wish ?
disguise aint workin
1k Hours Player here, what slot would be best for Chime?
some parody lyrics i thought of
No obliteration option after trial of one
Drip or drown?