My cactus shows when i stopped smoking..
We had to close in 7 weeks due to eviction from our flat. So happy the worst part is over now!
How are buyers ok waiving inspections?
Oh, you need to know why I'm disabled that badly? Ok then.
How do poor ppl have kids?
30k over asking and still didn’t get it 🙃🙃🙃
Another Cruise Canceled
My mom’s husband did this in my brother’s high school notebook
Put your cats in the comments and nobody gets hurt
I broke my ass at some point
Did anyone do genetic testing to help them make a decision?
Big price increases in 2026
My nails turned white 2 years ago. A dozen doctors a hundred tests and they’re all stumped
Should I only have a kid if I feel comfortable with the risk of having a disabled or special needs child who will need lifelong care ?
Displaced from the Eaton Fire. Embassy Suites charged me $182 to wash my clothes....
Port change for valentines cruise from Dominican Republic to Turks!
I simply can NOT with how beautiful she is! Argh!
Sailor Loot - Help me spend it!
i want kids but i dont want my body involved at all
44 but can't get another baby out of my head
Fomo of the biological act
US Cost of Living Tiers (2024)
To baby or Not to baby
Having kids when the rest of your circle is childfree?
Will my mind change?