Sexy Time?
What’s a small thing that instantly takes you back to your childhood?
If you could have one conversation with your future self, what burning question would you ask?
What movie most deserves a sequel or trilogy?
What’s something that’s “cringe” now but will be normal in 5 years?
What's the most annoying thing about rich people?
Any experience with the RS Cobra (Apex) women’s edition?
What’s a sign that someone was a bully in the past?
What’s your go-to dinner when money is tight?
What is the most overrated show?
What makes a person interesting??
What is something you think you could never forgive?
Whats the weirdest thing your parents wouldn’t let you watch?
What moment made you realise you had to change?
What was your "Shit, I'm an adult" moment?
What do you hate about Instagram?
When did you realize you had to leave that friendship?
What artist made the best "one-hit wonder"?
What show can you not rewatch due to how it ended?
What felt like a useless piece of advice until you actually tried it?
If aliens landed but refused to talk to humans, which animal should be our ambassador and why?
what's your favorite flag?
What's a new trend that's doing some damage that people may not realize?
You can create one law to make society better; what would you choose?
Why keep buying on TEMU or SHEIN with all the information we have today about how bad it is?