A little soul
What is your f*** everything song?
How much of a difference does eating before drinking actually make??
Give Me an Album That You Believe Is Perfect
What is something that people do that makes you lose faith in humanity?
What's your craving currently?
What's a sign that someone has been through a lot of emotional or psychological trauma in their life?
What’s your worst drunk stories?
This place used to be fun memes and now it's just selfies.....
I’m drunk, ask me anything pls I need to talk to anyone; I’m lonely
My 21st birthday is today! How do I have fun getting drunk alone?
Make me the cringiest 5 song playlist of butt rock/chad metal
Help me decide
Do movie theatres have intermissions in your country?
All I could have was a 11% fizzy wine
What band shirt?
Fuck me
anyone else also a productive drunk?
this guy was 23? i would've thought 29-40 😮
Drinking on an empty stomach is the best thing ever
May I drink tonight?
I love this subreddit
What is your reason to stay alive?