Is Luciferianism inherently theistic?
Blessed First Rite to Lord Lucifer!
Good vs Evil limitating mindset
Look I did recently
Lucifer’s favorite media depiction of himself?
“Doesn’t Lucifer hate being worshipped? Why would Lucifer ever love a human?”
Lucifer, Helel, Astaroth, Aphrodite, Phosphoros, Astarte, Attar, Inanna/Ishtar: VENUS
After worshipping Lucifer is any one else extremely lucky
He Crossed the Line During BDSM
What is your UPG regarding Astarte and Lucifer?
Blood offering to Lucifer
This world is a dream reality coming up from dreams.
"Person of transgender experience"
I feel like such a weirdo for admitting this, but I have a crush on Apollo
I have something to say
What do you even do with a T dick?
He liked the drawing I did for him :)
My poem to my lord. My angel. My shining star. Lucifer I hope to see you again as the time goes on.
Is there a spesific age I need to be to become a believer?
Thought you guys might like to see my altar to Lord Lucifer
an offering for my Lord
Have yall been more emotional after top surgery?
what exactly is the difference between the different beelzebub sigils/seals? why is there 2? is one more ”correct?“ thank you!
I made an altar cloth for Lord Lucifer :)