Favourite Lumine Expressions Part 2?
If Smash had Mihoyo rep/s, who would it be? (image related)
what's the best burnout for someone who has never played burnout before?
How much Oncoming boost this driver got?
Rallying An Ambulance Through Traffic
4 cars will fit in a 3 car garage. Hail doesn’t scare me.
Was this Max Fanfare?
I got bored one day and decided to do this.
Give a name if this was a From Software boss
I drew Melusine melusine!
Who gets your vote?
It's going to be a year since she was released. What are your thoughts on her..?
Is it worth buying Motorfest?
Decided to call this Challenge " Tiny Planet " for obvious reasons
The MiG-21 is criminally underrated. For a plane that you automatically unlock in mission 5 it's crazy agile and with MGPs it can be one mean dogifghter.
What is this, cause damn it looks like the FBI base but underwater
Remember when Rock Paper Shotgun wrote (in 2018) about the Burnout Paradise's DJ-Atomica-disabler mod by burninrubber0?
What character(s) do you know are not meta, but still use them anyway? (Img related)
I finished a Realm Reborn for the first time ever!
I think my Camaro got “Mogged”
Emotional rollercoaster
What lesser known games scratch that Burnout itch for you?
I don't know who that character is.
What would you like to see Genshin collab with?
Curse of small body
My Archon Plush Infinity Gauntlet Is Almost Complete..