“Not cold at all.” - 🥶
would you accept Wales in the Union Jack?
I'm calling it.
Quality footage of UFOs and 'stuff you're not meant to see' exists, says expert
Using human urine in an attempt to neutralize the pain caused by a jellyfish sting.
What do butt plugs do?
What is something that will kill you way quicker than you think it would?
Drone crisis is 'just the beginning' as expert warns 'big announcement due in 30 days'
What is a UK urban legend that you think has some credibility?
Neighbors partying all night
Why does my Alexa not respond after my alarms?
Ear Wax Close Up
Making fun of disabled girl
If I wanted to dive down a alien abduction rabbit hole, where would I start?
We will win on Saturday
People who went from being extremely attracted to someone to being indifferent or repelled, what killed it?
Are my Drink Orders Confusing?
Is this male or female ?
Can't take my 3 year old to our local park anymore as now it's filled with like a million foul mouthed, fully black clothed, hooded teenagers.
They turned us into professionals!
What’s for dinner tonight?
The weed man sold me some bullshit. I ain't smoking dis
Any idea what this does? Thorn Synrcho Amp
I just read the full back story and all details on Tom Delong's explanation of what UFOs are, why they are here, where they come from etc. If it's true, that has to be one of the most mind-numbing things to comprehend and very scary.
What is your view on construction workers taking a dump in your bathroom while they're on the job in your house?