GP5000 Tires not perfectly round
For fun, what are some potential shock silly season moves you could see happening in the future?
Mt Cheaha Challenge - anyone done it before? Should I switch to a 11-34T cassette?
Why do the Kroger hood logos on the RFK cars NEVER match with the scheme’s base color?
Do I need a new chain when changing Cassette size?
Share A Line That Didn't Land Until Your 10th Rewatch
What color of fabric couch should I get to replace my faux-leather couch, while still matching the vibe of the room?
Shamrock Series Foes & Location Ideas?
2025 70.3 with minimal running elevation
An unpopular opinion that would have you end up in this situation
Family is going to Park City next week - ski conditions aren't great. Other recs??
True Crime documentaries and podcasts are dangerous and harmful - but not just because they are disrespectful to victims...
Gift for a friend i'm not in a deep relationship and don't know very well
Have you ever met any cup driver in person?
Review of Flow 2024
With some teams expanding and not yet announcing new car numbers (23XI, FRM), what are some cool car numbers you'd like to see in NASCAR?
Leaf blowers are pointless
Virtual cycling apps with a smart trainer.
Abandoned Homestead Progress!
Mike Davis confirms DBC to return in 2025
half ironman personal challenge advice.
How to become a professional cyclist
Favorite Clip On Aero Bars?
To my fellow sad Blaney fans, the best is yet to come...